What does target mean? Looking for its lexical meaning, we come across such terms as objective, goal, purpose, intention, and a ranged spot. When a personal target becomes the issue, the best definition thereof is the place to reach, or be. From the day we were born, we may succeed several things, and reach several places. However, lacking any expectation, objective, brings about lacking any plan. We have difficulty in discerning what to do with, and what we should do thereafter with what we get without any target. Most of all, the things we get without any target avoid us from feeling happiness. Because, we should be aware of what we are doing, in order to feel happy.
From the day they decide to have a child, all families begin to set certain targets for their future children under the name of expectations. Linking their decision to have a child with what they think for the future after having a child, they consider them equal to the target of their child. Even their wish for the gender of their child is also a target being set by the family for their child. The clothes they prepare, the name they choose, and attitudes toward the child, all aim toward this target.
Targets are set at any age. However, as the age gets older, the targets become more complex, and set for longer terms. Children have targets specific to their ages, and development stages. A baby’s target is to tell the adults of his/her hunger, or of his/her dirty diaper. The target of a child unable to walk is to walk. Upon succeeding to walk, going to where he/she wants, running around, and climbing up the stairs become the target. What matters is that, each target should serve as a step towards the next target.
Throughout our lives, we come to take various decisions. While taking these decisions, we make use of the skills we have been taught, and our thought systems. In the beginning, others take the decisions instead of us, including our birth. As we develop, grow up, we are expected to take our own decisions, and get to know the responsibilities they bring along. The one who takes a decision pays the price of its outcomes. Therefore, we should learn not only to take decisions, but also bear their consequences. While building up the future for our own selves, we appraise our success as per the targets we have set, and how close we have reached thereto. It is neither possible to call what is got without being built up, being planned a success, nor it would be fair to deem others who could not have reached to things they have not built up, planned, and desired as “unsuccessful”.
First step to reach to success is to build desires and expectations up properly. It is not realistic at all times to say think big, win big. While there will be no gain without any target and expectation, running after plans not suitable to you, and those hard to be reached will not bring success as well.
While building up the future, we should have succeeded in learning to be objective to not our desires, but also to our conditions, our opportunities, our education, to what we can do, and most of all to our abilities. Otherwise, sense of permanent failure will bring along unhappiness, and hopelessness. Having a profession, rising, and gaining recognition therein, require certain criteria. However, what is being expected in any case is to reach to a target, and to become successful thereat. This criterion is applicable not only for children, but also for the work life, and for corporate targets as well. Being resolute, not to give up, not to fear obstacles facilitate success only when such considerations are accurate. Corporate success of a workplace depends on proper strategy, and proper organization. Listening, participation, creativity, and most of all knowledge brings along both personal, and corporate success in the work life.
“From the book, Target: Success”