Play Training for Parents

Play is one of the most effective ways for the child to get to know the world, to discover itself and what it can do, and to establish communications with other people.

The child that can play with its parents is the luckiest child in the world, because through this it can have fun, feel sad, compete with and know that it is loved by its parents…

The participation of the parents in games, and their playing with the child in a suitable manner is quite important for the cognitive and emotional development of the child. The purpose of the “Play Training for Parents” is for parents to learn to play with their children, to enjoy it, and therewith, to get to know their children.

Training Program

10:00-11:00 The language of the child is play
11:00-12:00 What do children tell with their games and pictures?
12:00-13:00 Lunch break
13:00-14:00 What can you play with your child at what age?
14:00-15:00 What should / shouldn’t you do while playing with your child?
15:00-15:15 Coffee break
15:15-17:00 Playroom applications

Training Duration: 1 full day
