In every field of life, we encounter people we have difficulty in establishing communications with, hard to resolve situations that put us under stress. When it concerns our business life, dealing with difficult people and difficult situations becomes a much more important issue, because every relationship and every situation we cannot deal with affects the productivity and peace of the business, as well as our own success, efficiency and happiness.



We call people who are hard to communicate with, difficult people, and situations that cause stress and leave us feeling helpless, difficult situations. In the work place, we encounter difficult people who are sometimes co-workers, sometimes subordinates and sometimes our customers. Even if it is a good solution to just stay away from them at times, this is not always possible. Entering into strife does not resolve the conflict, it just aggravates the situation. Therefore, individuals should learn who and which situations they find difficult and why, and how they should act in order to deal with difficult people.


The staff of the Bengi Semerci Institute teaches us what we can do through the “Dealing with Difficult Situations” seminars under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Bengi Semerci. The purpose of this seminar is to help us know ourselves, learn communications methods, recognizing who and which situations we find difficult, preventing the adversities brought about by the difficulties, and to contribute to individual and corporate development by learning to cope.


Content of the Seminar:

      What is personality?

      How does the personality develop?

      Knowing ourselves

      Understanding our communication skills

      Why do difficult people seem “difficult” to me?

      Why are people different

      Communication styles of difficult people

      Proper communications with difficult people

      Correctly expressing ourselves

      Being able to deal with conflict

      Managing anger directed at difficult people


During the seminar some interactive sessions are held in addition to this content. These consist of application sessions based on scenarios on knowing ourselves, understanding persons and situations we find difficult, and dealing with difficult people and situations.


Who participates in the seminars?


People from all sectors take the training. Sales persons from all fields want to take the training because of the difficulties they experience in their relationships with the customers. Giving up the customer is not a choice. However, difficult customers and the difficult situations they cause their success diminish. For example, a constantly complaining customer or one that flies into a rage at everything can be a real problem.


For managers, difficult employees are a problem. Managing a team and achieving conformity is turned into a difficult situation by difficult people. The passive resistors and those who think they know everything and don’t do anything are the problems for the managers.


Moreover, the situations caused by difficult persons in an establishment among employees result in unrest among co-workers, which in turn gives rise to difficult situations in front of customers and managers.


The training program is expected to provide skills in how we perceive, how we communicate, why do we find difficult the people and situations that we define as “difficult”, how we can change ourselves, how to transform negative situations and relationships into positive, and how to become more productive and efficient with correct communications.

Important points in dealing with difficult people:

·         We must first look at ourselves. Does this person seem difficult to me? Why do I think that communicating with this person is difficult?

·         Know yourselves. Evaluate how you establish communications.

·         Evaluate the communication style of your opponent

·         Decide whether you want to continue communicating with this person or not

·         Be calm

·         Try to change your behavior

·         Learn to fight stress and anger

·         Don’t forget that the actions are not directed at you personally

·         Your aim should not be to change the other person, it  should be to change yourself

·         If you change your attitude, your opponent will also do so. Even if he/she doesn’t, it will not bother you any more.
