Işın Şanlı received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Bogazici University in 2010. Following this, she received her Master of Arts degree in Clinical Psychology from Dogus University. In the course of these years, she had Cognitive Behavioral oriented therapy training and supervisions.

While pursuing her M.A., she worked as a Research Assistant at Dogus University Psychology Department. She had contributed to various research projects during her assistantship. She had Filial Therapy training, and participated in “Filial Therapy Effectiveness Study with Turkish Parent-Child Pairs” as a practitioner therapist under the supervision of Assist. Prof. Dr. Nilufer Kafescioglu Aydin and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nur Serap Ozer. Further, she had trainings and supervisions on anger management from Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nur Serap Ozer and participated in the Turkish Adaptation Study of Dr. Kendall’s “Coping Cat” program as a practitioner therapist. In 2012, she earned her Master’s degree with her graduation project on “A Comprehensive literature review of Bulimia Nervosa in relation with weight and shape related cognitions”.

From that time on, she has been carrying on clinical practices as well as research on children and their families. She has been pursuing her clinical practices and research at Bengi Semerci Institute since November 2013.
